With our Self-Service kiosk, the interactive terminal gives customers the ability to complete tasks on their own, decreasing wait times and increasing revenue.
Reduce Reliance On Manpower
By automating the ordering process, you can boost employee productivity while controlling the labour shortage and rising labour expenses.
Improve Flexibility
Reassign staff to non-automated jobs and area that need extra assistance.
Increase Efficiency
Employees can concentrate on offering more individualised customer service in other areas.
Decrease Overall Operational Costs
Ensure there are enough employees for each shift.
Trim Queue At Counter
By giving clients a different ordering option, you can manage lineups and reduce bottlenecks.
Reduce Wait Time
A greater number of customers can be served in a short amount of time.
Improve Order Accuracy
Before payment, orders can be checked and customised with options.
Retain Customers
Avoid long queues that will discourage customers from joining.
Better Customer Experience
A seamless, interactive, and contactless ordering procedure that gives customers more control over their decisions.
Interactive Display
Customers decide more effectively and quickly with visuals.
Customisable Options
Customers can easily make precise modifications tailored to their needs and tastes.
Integrated Payment
Customers have the option of paying with cash or contactless payment at the counter.